Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kate's 21st Birthday

For a rabbit breeder, there is no better place to celebrate the 21st birthday than in a rabbit show.

Kate is celebrating her 21st birthday during the Grand National Livestock show with the people who she likes and the rabbits that she loves.

What else would be better to decorate Kate's birthday cake but a rabbit?

All the carrots Kate and her rabbits would enjoy.

Mama Lois arranged the birthday celebration and designed the cakes. Mama certainly knows her daughter well.


  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger Lori Lynn said…

    I agree! Happy birthday Kate! It was definitely better than my 21st birthday, which I don't even remember.

  • At 8:04 PM, Blogger Northern California Angora Guild said…

    Lori, there was nothing called "blog" then, or there would have been pictures of you celebrating your 21st birthday!

    For sure there was nothing called computer or internet when I was 21.



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