Northern California Angora Guild

Friday, November 28, 2008

How Many Pounds Of Wool Are In The Boxes?

Betty says,

"My rabbits produce a lot of wool. I classify my wool in four categories:

(a) Extra long, 5 inches and over. These are from the show coats and I store each show coat in the form of a big "tissue roll".

(b) Prime 3-4 inches, these are from the rabbits that are retired from shows and their wool being harvested every 3-4 months. These wool are stored in Ziploc bags, 4 oz in each bag. These wool are ideal for spinning fine and even yarn.

(c) Prime but shorter, usually in the 2-3 inch range. These are still very nice for spinning but I advise to use them for blending with other fibers. I offer them at a lower price than the "prime 3-4 inches".

(d) Combings and wool from tangled area such as crotch, underarm and tummy are put into this classification. These are good for spinning into very lumpy yarns. I don't sort by colors, thus sometimes call it "junk wool".

These two overflowing boxes contain the wool that are "Prime 3-4 inches". There are four ounces of wool in each bag. Can you guess how many pounds are in these two boxes?


  • At 2:45 AM, Blogger Lilac Haven said…

    #120? Hope you post the answer.

  • At 2:48 AM, Blogger Lilac Haven said…

    OOps that should be twenty not 120 per box

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger Mary Jane's Hippity Hop World said…

    I'd say 15lbs all together.
    Please, post the answer! :)

  • At 6:49 PM, Blogger Northern California Angora Guild said…

    There are 17 pounds of English Angora wool in these two overflowing boxes.


  • At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so happy to see that someone that is as successful as Betty doesn't let any of the great fibre these wonder bunnies give us go to waste. I have never been able to just throw it away, either. I make a yarn that I label "Une Belle Melange" - A Lovely Mess. I can't seem to keep any for myself....


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