Emmy Wins Triple Specialty Best In Show
Betty with Emmy, Judge Michelle from WA, Lindsay with her white French Angora doe.
Charlie talks with Gabrielle and Lindsay is keeping record of her rabbits' placings.
A date for the white French Angora pair.
Lindsay's French Angora are situated on the carrier stands.
Carol's backyard party is the highlight of the summer. This year, in addition to Fuzzy Lop and Angora, Jersey Wooly was added to the breed list. It is a complete wool breed show.
In the Angora show, Betty's Emmy took specialty Best In Show in all three shows.
At 11:24 AM,
fuzzyville said…
This was our first time at this wonderful show. What a piece of heaven. With adding the Jersey Woolies this year, it made the trip more realistic for us. Danielle assisted the judges and Nancy at the wooly table which left me to do all the running of rabbits, so I didn't get to watch near as much as I wanted to. Emmy is incredible, Betty has always been very supportive of us and especially Danielle and we really appreciate it. We have made such wonderful friends with the angora exhibitors. Lindsey is wonderful, keeping Danielle updated on the angora table. Danielle was able to bring out her beloved Jingle Belle for the first time in along time and was rewarded with 2 legs, which granded her. The smile on Danielle's face went from ear to ear. That didn't have anything to do with her very supportive boyfriend who came along and had never been to a rabbit show befor. He carried rabbits back and forth too. Thank you Carol and family for welcoming us to your home. It was wonderful. Can't wait until next year.
Thank you, Betty for everythig.
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