Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Remember When: Presentation of Broken English Angora in 1995

Though many had tried since the 1980s, Irene Burns of Michigan was the first presenter that passed the Broken English Angora presentation in 1995.

Here are some photos of that presentation.

The top photo is the carrier that housed the four presentation animals: one broken senior buck, one broken senior doe, one broken junior buck and one broken junior doe. The photos on the blog yesterday were that of the senior doe and the junior doe.

In the second photo, Betty is helping Irene to weigh and record the weights of the four presentation rabbits.

In the third photo, Betty is helping to groom one of the rabbits just before going on the presentation table.

In the fourth photo, all the presentation rabbits are loaded in the judging coops; judge Richard Gehr opens the first hole to start the examination; Irene is nervous.

In the fifth photo, the judges call Irene into the conference table to tell her the good news: the presentation has been successful.

What happened after this successful presentation? In 1996, Irene's second presentation was rejected due to a disqualification on the junior buck. Though she still had the right to repeat the second presentation in 1997, she decided not to continue the process. She subsequently went out of rabbits.


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