
Friday, August 16, 2024

Show A English Angora Judging at San Jose

English Angoras go on judge Alysia Call's table in the morning.

There are 13 English Angora in the coops.

Casey clerks for judge Alysia.

Judge Alysia comments on a white senior buck.

Here is the winner of the white senior buck class and the received the BOSV at the end of the judging.

The BOV white goes to the white senior doe.

While the white BOV and BOSV waiting in the coops, judge Alysia comments on a colored senior buck.

These are the three top placing of the colored senior bucks out of a class of 6.

The English Angora colored senior doe is being carefully taken out of the coop.  

Feels the body and the wool.

Judge Alysia comments on the colored senior doe, awards her BOV and BOB.  She later advances to the Reserve In Show in show A.

For a complete list of winners, go to:

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