
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Give Me That Granola Bar!

Chase in his show coat a year ago, great density and very handsome too. All good show coats have to come to an end, ....

Chase now mostly stays home relaxing and being the daddy to a daughter and three sons. Last weekend Chase went along for the ride to the show in Monterey. Instead of competing on the show table, he gets a hair cut in the show room. He says to mama Betty, "You got my wool, I want your granola bar; give me that granola bar!"

Those who had never seen a naked English Angora are all amazed how small Chase is; Betty often gets the question of "How big is an English Angora?" Her standard answer is "About the same size as a Chihuahua."

After seeing naked Chase, people are very convinced that an English Angora is no bigger than a Chihuahua!

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