
Friday, July 08, 2011

Found On The Net: Furball Necklace

What is the "thing" on the cat's neck? A necklace, of course. SF Gate website reports that the necklace is made from cat Gaia's fur by her owner Flora Davis who is an artistic crafts person.

Gaia is a flame point ragamuffin cat that sheds a lot. In her owner's words, "Gaia is a serious shedder and over time, the balls began to accumulate around the apartment: under the couch, behind the stove, in the closet, as well as in his sleeping basket. Awash in hair balls, I gathered a bowlful and placed them on top of the piano. Surprisingly, the balls had a lovely appearance that reminded me of oversized white pearls. This was my inspiration for using Gaia's "toys" in another way that would display my love for this special cat. "

Read more about Gaia and her owner Flora Davis, go to:

This is very similar to those who do needle felting by using sheep wool or Angora wool to make "things" that include but not limited to balls, animals, objects, ... This should give us Angora breeders more ideas and inspiration to utilize our wonderful wool.

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