
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

2011 Rabbit National Convention in New Zealand: Showroom and Seminar

The 2011 national convention in New Zealand was held on June 4, 2011. We thank Kerstin for providing us with photos of the convention. Enjoy.

It's like an ARBA convention with cooping except it's smaller size and shorter in duration. The breeder and exhibitors are as serious as those who are participating in the ARBA convention.
There are lots of nice trophies and rosettes for the winners.

The show room is nice and clean and very spacious.

A display of the Angora. French, Satin Angoras are not available at the current time in New Zealand; Giant Angora is not an recognized breed, the English Angora is the only breed of Angora at the show. German Angora is accepted but none at the convention.

There is a good display of rabbit literature.

A close up shows that the current issue of Domestic Rabbits is on display.

Judge Scott Wiebensohn of CO travels from the US to New Zealand to judge and to give a seminar.

Kerstin says, "I learned a lot about the American judging, registering, judging coops etc on your blog and was well prepared for the seminar, when Scott mentioned a film about rabbit breeders I said "Rabbit Fever!" and I think he was a bit surprised that I knew so much. :-)
The seminar was very informative with lots of information on breeds and breeding etc."


  1. Thank you Betty for putting the pictures up.
    We had only English Angora at the show. We have only 1 other Angora breed in this country, the German Anbora, but there were no exhibits this year.
    Thanks to Scott Wiebensohn for judging our Nationals, we learned so much.

  2. Kerstin:

    Thank you for sharing the photos. I have made correction in the post to reflect the two Angora breeds in New Zealand: English Angora and German Angora.

