
Friday, February 04, 2011

Top Winners At KCRBA Shows In Bakersfield

On January 29, KCRBA held double shows in Bakersfield. American Fuzzy Lop shown by Carol G. and Kendall G. was awarded all breed Best In Show by judge Joe in show B. Left to right: Kendall, judge Joe, Best In Show winner AK's Christian and Carol G.

Christian took Reserve In Show in show A and Best In Show in show B, and also took the top spot at the Fuzzy Lop specialty show. The handsome boy had a very good day.

Best In Show in show A was Chris Z's Holland Lop, photo unavailable.

Judge Joe picked Dera's black Havana Psyche took Reserve In Show in show B.


  1. I am so bummed that we didn't stop by. However, I was out of town at a workshop in Oceanside, so I couldn't have made it anyway.

  2. Lori:

    I did not go to Bakersfield, no Angora there. There were a lot of American Fuzzy Lops, 44 of them. They had a great show day.

